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Practice your Spanish with the 5 most popular Spanish-language news websites

Newspapers on sale in Madrid

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Acquiring vocabulary is one of the most important keys to learn Spanish or any other language. Reading will significantly improve your Spanish. Be it a book, a newspaper, a magazine or a comic book: look for those topics that appeal to you and you have fun with. Don’t waste time with boring material, it’ll sap your motivation and you’ll end up quitting. You know what issues excite you so stick to them. If you read about topics that you find interesting, you pay more attention and learn faster.

Keep up to date with current events by reading Spanish newspapers. Paper versions are fine, but the digital versions are far more convenient for most of us these days. So let’s take a look at the top 5 newspapers that people are using to keep up with with world events and practice their Spanish at the same time…

BBC Mundo

1. BBC Mundo

BBC Mundo is a website that offers news for Spanish-speakers across the world. You can find different topics, such as Latin American, International, Economy, Health, Science, Society and Culture or Sports. The online news site offers also a video section where you can also listen to Spanish news, a very interesting option to improve your listening and pronunciation skills. BBC Mundo is the favorite choice to practice Spanish.

El País

2. El País

El País is the most popular newspaper in Spain, and takes a center-left viewpoint. You can choose between the four versions, whether you are mostly interested in Spain, America, Brazil or Catalonia (only the first two are in Spanish). This news site offers a wide range of options and you can choose from a variety of news of all kinds, from the most serious to humorous articles. It is quite easy to understand, the facts are explained in detail and you can surely find something interesting here.

CNN en Español

3. CNN en Español

This is the Spanish version of the world-renowned CNN, the US news channel. The news page is focused on current news in United States and Latin-American countries, but you can also find World news as well as specific sections, such as Technology, Health, Life, Travel, Money and Entertainment. The website also allows you to access many videos, online TV channels and radio stations in Spanish, providing a more interactive experience.

El Mundo

4. El Mundo

El Mundo is the second largest newspaper in Spain after El País and takes a center-right stance. There are two online versions, one for Latin America and one for Spain, so wherever in the Spanish speaking world you are interested in, there’s something for you. In the Spanish edition, alongside the typical newspaper secions such as Ecomony, International and Culture, one topic that stands out as unusual is the controversial but typically Spanish spectacle of Toros, or Bullfighting.



RTVE is the largest public audiovisual group in Spain that offers TV channels, radio stations and online versions of news articles. Within the site you can hear the Radio Nacional de España stations (Spain National Radio) live, watch the programs broadcast last week on Televisión Española (Spanish TV), read the corporative blogs, read the latest news and enjoy many live events, as well as the 24 hour news channel.

Need help reading any of these sites?

The sites above are the news sites most visited by Spanish learners on Readlang. Get help reading these, or any other websites with the Readlang Web Reader - the best way for intermediate and advanced Spanish learners to read actual Spanish websites, and also available for 50+ other languages. Give it a try and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how fast you can keep up with the news in Spanish, and improve your vocabulary while you’re at it!

PS: Still hungry for Spanish-language websites - check out a large list of the most visited Spanish websites.