Read for pleasure and super‑fast language acquisition
Do you ever find yourself drifting off within a story and wondering what just happened? Like “wait… did John die?… he just sleeping?… what exactly is going on here!?” Well, Readlang now has a handy feature for you: Review Summaries! These are short summaries sprinkled throughout the text so that if ever feel lost, you can check you’re at least getting the gist and not missing some important plot point.
You’ll see green divider lines like this every 300-ish words:
And when you click on the “?” icon you’ll see a summary like this generated by ChatGPT:
By default they are shown in English, but if you’re feeling confident and want a more immersive experience, you can click the link at the bottom to switch them to the language you’re learning.
These are currently available only for premium subscribers in supported languages *. To enable and disable the feature, open the reader sidebar and look for the Review Summary Buttons option which you can set to “Show”:
Let me know what you think!
* Supported languages: Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish
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