Readlang Blog

Read for pleasure and super‑fast language acquisition

Readlang Is Back!

February 22, 2023

Wait? Readlang is back? Where did it go? Well, in one sense it never went anywhere, it’s been helping people learn languages by reading since 2013. But in 2016 I went to work at Duolingo (read more), and in 2017 I sold Readlang to them. I really enjoyed my time at Duolingo and worked on some cool stuff there including Duolingo Stories, but unfortunately Readlang stagnated. Luckily for you and I, the good people at Duolingo have sold Readlang back to me!

What are my plans? In the short term there are essential maintenance tasks to ensure Readlang keeps running. In the medium term I’ll be making improvements to the website and Chrome extension. (Have a suggestion? Please add or vote for it on the feedback forum or add a comment below.) Longer term I’d love to create a Readlang iOS app.

Readlang was developed in the 3.5 years from Nov 2012 to Mar 2016. I’m hesitant to promise too much since who knows what the future holds, but now that I’m back, I’m excited to see what it’ll look like in another 3.5 years!

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