Readlang Blog

The best way to read in the language you're learning

Speaking mode

October 6, 2015

Speaking and listening skills are an extremely important for learning a language. Readlang already has plenty of YouTube videos for you to practice listening. Songs have proved to be a favorite:

Je Veux

To complement this, you can now enable Speaking Mode. This provides automatic text-to-speech when you click a word or phrase in any text, and when reviewing your flashcards, Readlang will pronounce the word or phrase as it is revealed.

Enable speaking mode via the Settings page:

Settings - Speaking Mode

These features are available to Readlang Premium subscribers only. Go Premium for only $6/month or $48/year.

Speaking mode is available for the following 23 languages: Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian.

It works on and the Readlang Web Reader on desktop and Android Chrome. On iOS it only works on

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