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A Guide to Spanish Websites to Practice Your Reading

Are you searching for content to practice reading Spanish? Look no further, you’ve hit the motherlode!

This list of 89 Spanish websites is compiled using usage data from the Readlang Web Reader, so they are sites that actual Spanish learners are finding useful to practice their reading. Within each category, the sites are listed in order of popularity, with the most popular ones at the top.

Look for something that really interests you, which is the key to staying motivated and learning Spanish.

There’s a comments section at the bottom where you can leave feedback and suggest other resources.



BBC Mundo

BBC Mundo   UK

BBC Mundo is a website that offers news for Spanish-speakers across the world. You can find different topics, such as Latin American, International, Economy, Health, Science, Society and Culture or Sports. The online news site offers also a video section where you can also listen to Spanish news, a very interesting option to improve your listening and pronunciation skills. The current favorite for practicing Spanish.

El País   Spain

El País is the most popular newspaper in Spain, and takes a center-left viewpoint. You can choose between the four versions, whether you are mostly interested in Spain, America, Brazil or Catalonia (only the first two are in Spanish). This news site offers a wide range of options and you can choose from a variety of news of all kinds, from the most serious to humorous articles. It is quite easy to understand, the facts are explained in detail and you can surely find something to interest you here.

CNN en Español   US

The Spanish version of the world-renowned CNN, US news channel. Focused on current news in United States and Latin-American countries, but also covers World news. Has sections such as Technology, Health, Life, Travel, Money and Entertainment. Also provides access many videos, online TV channels and radio stations in Spanish, providing a more interactive experience.

El Mundo   Spain

El Mundo is the second largest newspaper in Spain after El País and takes a center-right stance. There are two online versions, one for Latin America and one for Spain, so wherever in the Spanish speaking world you are interested in, there’s something for you.

RTVE   Spain

RTVE is the largest public audiovisual group in Spain that offers TV channels, radio stations and news articles. Listen to the Radio Nacional de España stations (Spain National Radio) live, watch programs broadcast in the previous week on Televisión Española (Spanish TV), read the corporative blogs, read the latest news and enjoy many live events, as well as the 24 hour news channel.

ABC   Spain

ABC is a Spanish newspaper comparable to El Mundo, since they have a similar editorial line and kind of news, as well as vocabulary and writing style. It is however more focused on Spain: they have special section for bullfighting and the Royal family and they have been recognized for their researches about Spanish art and culture. It has also other sections, such as International, Sports, Travel, Health or Technology. They have a special English for Learners site where you can find articles in English and Spanish, translations and vocabulary.


Euronews   Europe

Offers a European perspective on news from all over the world. You can choose between Africa, America, Asia, Europe or Middle East versions and sections like Sports, European Union, Culture or Business, among others. It is also possible to listen to their radio or watch live news in an easy-to-understand neutral Spanish.

Beginner Tip! Switch between languages at the top of the page - this works within an article so it’s easy to open another browser window and read the same story side-by-side in English and Spanish, just like a parallel text.

Noticias Univision   US & Latin America

Noticias Univision is a news site that puts emphasis on the Hispanic community in the US and all Latin America. The main sections are US, Latin America, Mexico, Immigration, World and Health. Spanish learners can check the video section with many videos in Hispanic Spanish.

El Huffington Post   US

The Huffington Post is a fully online newspaper and blog founded in New York and with International versions for many countries. El Huffington Post is the version for Spain, while Huffpost Voces is the US-based Spanish-language edition. This is a very entertaining and attractive option for many learners, as it is constantly being updated with the latest viral videos, the most used hashtags, travel tips, food recommendations and curiosities from all over the Globe. It is also very visual, with big pictures, polls, blogs and humor.

Semana   Colombia

Semana is a Colombian weekly news magazine that was released for the first time almost 70 years ago. It mainly centers on Latin American news, and especially in Colombia and neighboring countries, and it is very famous for its researches and investigation journalism. It is also famous because of its very visual front page and many of the news include videos in Colombian Spanish. Besides the main sections (Sports, World, Culture, Economy…) it has traveling advice, humorous pictures and daily life tips.

El Periodico   Catalunya

El Periodico is one of the most important Catalan newspapers with a Spanish version also available. Many stories are focused on Spanish and Catalan politics, culture, festivals and sports – especially FC Barcelona. The video section can help you to hear news in neutral Spanish and the blogs can be a very interesting choice. Letters to the editor offer a different style of content to read.

El Norte de Castilla   Spain

El Norte de Castilla is a local and regional newspaper that places special emphasis on the coverage of the latest news from the automomous community of Castilla y León. Each of the nine Castilian-Leon provinces have a different online section, as well as the regional football team, Real Valladolid. It is easy to navigate and they also have a video section (neutral Spanish). It may be difficult to find interesting articles if you don’t live in the area.

Diario de Yucatán   Mexico

Diario de Yucatán is based in Mexico and has special sections for International, Mexico, Yucatan (province) and Merida (capital of the province). Also check out the Sports, Show, Society, Economy, Technology, Health and Gastronomy sections; this last one with many tips and interesting recommendations.

La Voz   Argentina

La Voz is an Argentinian news site with information and news from all over the world. They use a lot of Argentinian specific vocabulary, which may trip up beginners despite having an easy writing style. You can check their video section and their opinion blogs. They have a special supplement, Rumbos, with many interesting articles about traveling, culture, food or literature. Mundo D is their special section for sports.

La Opinión   Los Angeles, US

La Opinión is the most read Spanish newspaper in the entire US, based in Los Angeles (the largest Hispanic market of the country).

Yahoo Noticias   US

Yahoo Noticias is the Spanish website for Yahoo News, written in neutral Spanish and with news from around the world. In each section you can find videos, a very useful tool to hear and improve pronunciation. It can be difficult to choose a topic or article to read, as there are a lot of them on the front page and in each section. Contains sections for Europe, US, Latin American, Middle East, Asia, Africa and Spain. Many of their articles are taken directly from Europa Press and EFE, two news agencies that are worth checking out too.

El Tiempo   Colombia

Many articles are focussed on Colombia, but you can also find news from around the world in their “Mundo” section. Politics, Economy, Sports, Entertainment, Technology and Life are the main sections. Their opinion section is also interesting, with “El Foro del lector”, where you can find personal opinions about the latest news. They have also “El Tiempo television”, with a 24 hour live retransmission of the Colombian channel, useful for practicing your listening skills.

El Nuevo Día   Puerto Rico

El Nuevo Día is the leading newspaper of Puerto Rico and it’s focused on US reality, but also has a special International section with news from all over the world. Besides the typical sections (Sports, Science, Technology…) they have special and interesting choices, for example Mundo Raro (Strange World), Health 24/7, with many useful tips and easy-to-read articles, and video section for all those interested in listening to news from Puerto Rico.

El Confidencial   Spain

El Confidencial is a Spanish news site specialized in Spanish politics and economical and financial news, mainly oriented to professionals, so sometimes the vocabulary can be hard to understand. There is a gossip section, Vanitatis, with the latest news of famous people in simple language. “Alma, Corazón, Vida” (Soul, heart, life) is a very funny section with many entertaining articles. Their video section is the perfect option for those who want to hear some neutral Spanish news.

Primera Hora   Puerto Rico

Primera Hora is another Puerto Rican news site. This is a good choice for beginners, as it is very visual, with short articles, dynamic, colorful and full of pictures, and it has a video section. After news, the three main topics they talk about are Entertainment, Sports and Lifestyle, with a very easy-to-understand writing style.

20 minutos   Spain

20 minutos (20 minutes) is one of the most followed online news sites in Spain. It has also two other Spanish sites, one dedicated to the US and one focused on the latest Mexican news. This site is famous for interaction with the public and the opinion blogs of its contributors. Many articles are very short – made for reading during a subway journey to work, but there are also other articles more complete and extended. There are also many videos in neutral Spanish.

El Nuevo Herald   Cuba, Miami, Venezuela, Colombia

El Nuevo Herald was born from Miami Herald (the original English version, but with different news) and it has become the second most read Spanish newspaper of the US. It is easy to navigate, with three main sections: News, Sports and Entertainment. News is subdivided into sections on Venezuela, South Florida, Cuba, Colombia, US, Latin America or World. There is also the opinion blog of Andrés Oppenheimer, columnist of Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald with many awards and recognition in the world of journalism.

El Heraldo   Honduras

El Heraldo is a Honduran newspaper mainly read in Honduras. It has news from all over the world and many general sections, such as Sports, Life or Economy, among others. It also has both video and audio sections, which can be useful to listen to the Honduran accent. “Hondureños en el mundo” (Honduran around the world) is a section of short articles that are very easy to understand.   Guatemala

Prensa Libre is a general information newspaper from Guatemala that talks about news from all over the world – with a special emphasis on Guatemalan current affairs. It has also PrensaLibreTV, with 24 hour live transmissions and videos on demand. Big pictures, short texts and large typography make this news site a good option for beginners. The opinion section is suitable for advanced learners, since the vocabulary is a little more complicated.

Wikinoticias   World

Wikinoticias is a Wikipedia style website with news from all the world. People can write and edit the news as it happens (collaborative journalism).

Público   Spain

Público is a news site from Spain that also has national coverage divided into regions: Europe, US, Latin America, Middle East, Africa and Asia – and a special section for Wikileaks. PúblicoTV allows you to watch programs and videos of the latest news. It is fully digital – currently with no paper version - and it is mobile optimized, so it is easy to read anywhere. Accurate content, many topics and interesting facts.

News in Slow Spanish   Spain   Beginners

News in Slow Spanish offers a great opportunity to follow the latest news through audio podcasts. But not only that: it is in very slow Spanish, so you can check the pronunciation and it becomes really easy to understand the content. You can also have grammar lessons, expressions and quizzes. Some of their material requires a subscription. They have a special section for Latin Spanish and also Spanish for Kids.

Practica Español   Spain   Beginners

Practica Español is a website for learning Spanish through real news from around the world. Every article has an audio file and most also have video. In this way, you can practice your reading and listening as well as learning new expressions and vocabulary. There is a Grammar section, some exercises, music section and “Maestro Spot” (Teacher Spot), which clears up many doubts and confusions over Spanish words.

Clarín   Argentina

Clarín is officially focused on Argentina’s current affairs, though it has International section as well (Mundo – World). The website design is very attractive, with many pictures and a tabloid format. The site covers almost every topic, from Economy to Traveling, Sports, Cinema, Cars or Politics. Navigation with smartphones and tablets is also very easy. The texts are often long and include a photogallery.

BioBioChile   Chile

BioBioChile is an online news site based on current news of Chile and also from around the world. It is one of the most visited website in all Chile and the most followed in social media in all the country. The site collects news from all the associated radio stations of the company, such as BioBio Deportes (sports), El Informador (news), or Continuidad Musical (music), among others. They also have BioBioChile TV, where learners can get used to Chilean accent, vocabulary and expressions.

Europa Press   Spain

Europa Press is one of the most important private news agency of Spain that covers news from all Europe and the world. You can choose between the different autonomous communities of the country and also check the latest news from all over the world. The writing style is easy to understand, and its news are sold to many other websites, becoming in this way the original source. I also has American version, Notimerica. Its video archive is also accessible online.

Telecinco   Spain is the digital platform for this famous Spanish TV channel. This is a good choice for almost any learner with basic Spanish, as the writing style is very easy to understand, mainly directed to their audience: ordinary people of all ages. The vocabulary is not specific, and you can find many topics: latest news from all over the world, culture, sports, technology and curiosities. Also they have direct link to Cuatro podcasts (a channel from the same company).

La Prensa   Honduras

La Prensa has become the most visited website in all Honduras and it has special app for iOS and Smart TV. It belongs to the same group (Grupo Opsa) as El Heraldo, and the style, vocabulary and objectives are mostly the same. It has many curious and entertaining sections, like old front pages, couples and sex or medical guidelines, so the reader can choose among a huge amount of different topics. You also can check the latest videos.

Caracol Radio   Colombia

Caracol Radio is a Colombian association of different radio stations that covers all the country. It has written articles about Colombian (and Latin American) life and information about sports. You can hear the podcasts and streaming radio stations online and also watch the video section. They have a special app for Blackberry, iPhone, Android and Windows Phone, making it accessible from anywhere in the world.

Encyclopedias & Biographies


Wikipedia needs no introduction due to its success as an information resource for any topic, person, place, object, animal or whatever you can imagine. It is free-access and free-content Internet encyclopedia which can be edited by any user. Any learner can find something that fits his or her interests, and also you can read about the same topic in different languages.


Wikisource is from the same organization as Wikipedia (Wikimedia), and it is an online library with original documents in Spanish. These texts are of public domain or have the GFDL license and they always have the author mentioned (or the translator). This is a good opportunity for advanced learners to find some original Spanish texts instead of relying on summaries at wikipedia and elsewhere.

Biografías y Vidas

Biografías y vidas (Biographies and lives) is an online biographic encyclopedia. Here you can find interesting biographies of people throught history: politicians, writers, philosophers, actors, inventors, etc. All biographies are accompanied by an image, and the texts are easy to understand as they explain the life of someone in a straightforward manner. This is a good chance to expand your vocabulary while learning more about interesting and influential people.


Vikidia   Beginners

Vikidia is the Wikipedia for kids and teenagers. It offers a great opportunity for beginners to start reading about all kinds of topics, since the texts are simple and easy to understand. The writing style is very simple – targeted to kids and teenagers - but at the same time is correct and precise, with high quality content. Like Wikipedia it can be edited by anyone.

Especially for learners

Centro Virtual Cervantes   Beginners

The main objective of the online website of the Instituto Cervantes is to promote the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures. It is perfect for teachers and students, as it provides many resources organized in five categories: Teaching, Literature, Language, Arts and Science. The Aula Virtual de Español is also interesting, a complete Spanish course with different levels that you can buy if you want, as a complement to all the information and content provided.


VeinteMundos   Beginners

VeinteMundos (Twenty Worlds) is a website dedicated to the Spanish learning for foreigners. It is totally free and has many resources, such as audio recordings, vocabulary, expressions, grammar and comprehension. The website offers a taste of the culture, which is one of the best ways to learn a language. Texts are written at different levels of difficulty, allowing you to choose the most appropriate. You can discover many things about the 20 Spanish-speaking countries of the world.

Spanish Podcast   Beginners

In Spanish Podcast you can improve or perfect your Spanish through podcasts, blogs and vocabulary lists. Every podcast focuses on a daily conversation between two or more people, a very useful way to know how to meet someone, buy vegetables or enjoy a party in Spanish. In every conversation you’ll find new grammar, new vocabulary and expressions, all accompanied by detailed explanations. This is a very good option for intermediate and advanced learners.

Alba Learning   Beginners

Alba Learning provides free books, audiobooks and videobooks for Spanish learners of different levels. You can choose between categories (Love, Erotic, Humor, Kids, Mystery, Poetry or Nonfiction) and concentrate on what is more interesting to you. You can read and at the same time listen to the accompanying audio or video, and also you can compare English and Spanish from the bilingual books. News in Spanish, online quizzes, exercises and basic vocabulary can be found here.

PodClub - A Mi Aire   Beginners

A mi Aire is a podcast dedicated to A2/B1 level Spanish students from all over the world. Every week, a new podcast is released where you follow the adventures of Alicia, a Spanish girl who has just arrived to Zurich, in Switzerland. Through her daily life you learn Spanish expressions, vocabulary, grammar, and useful questions and answers that you will use in any Spanish country when you travel.

Short Stories & Literature

Ciudad Seva

Ciudad Seva is the website of the Puerto Rican writer Luis López Nieves. Here you can find his books, poems and other stories, as well as some of the classical Spanish literature, or World literature translated to Spanish. The website also offers links with many learning tools, resources, online dictionaries and reference pages. You can subscribe and receive a classic story or poem every week. Also you can check the latest news related to Spanish literature and the site.


Cuentos sin fin (Endless tales) is an online library full of tales and short stories from all periods. You can find texts of Edgar Allan Poe, Franz Kafka, Virginia Woolf or H.G. Wells, among others. The site is very simple and intuitive, and you can easily find the tales you want to read by author. Of course, all the non-Spanish writers have been accurately translated. These short stories are easy to read and very entertaining, making them a good way to practice Spanish and learn new vocabulary.

Poemas del alma

This site promotes Spanish poetry and offers a vast library of poems and authors that the reader can enjoy. It is, however, recommended for intermediate or even advanced learners, as sometimes the poets use very specific and metaphorical language – difficult even for Spanish speakers if they are not used to reading poetry. Classic works from authors such as Neruda, Quevedo or García Lorca are available for free in this site.

Literatura is a very easy-to-use website with many popular Spanish and translated stories from all periods as well as biographical information about the authors. It is a personal selection of authors, so while you might miss some important ones, you may also discover some new ones.

Los Poetas

Los Poetas is the Spanish version of The Poets, both compilations of poems and biographies of some of the most famous writers of all the history. It is well organized by author, and for each of them you can read a full biography and some of their most popular writings. The authors are classified by countries, so you can read poems from Spain, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, Argentina, Cuba and many other Spanish-speaking countries,

Rincón Castellano

Rincón castellano is a compilation of notes, summaries, biographies and literature essays of Spanish language. It also offers the possibility of downloading ebooks for free by selecting the author or theme that you prefer. Find recommended literary works of all times in the Bibliotec Virtual (Virtual Library). It is also very curious to learn famous quotes and proverbs, as well as typical Spanish jokes – very useful if you want to integrate in Spanish culture!

Radio Ambulante

Radio Ambulante

Radio Ambulante collects radio podcasts that explain many Latin-American stories from all the Spanish-speaking countries, including the US. They offer high quality radio programs with transcriptions so you can read along at the same time. You can also read their blog and choose between the different audio episodes. There are a huge amount of topics, like sports, personal stories, or even fiction podcasts. It is quite popular between Spanish learners, and has been mentioned in many international media. You can hear all the podcasts through SoundCloud or iTunes.

Los Mejores Cuentos

This site allows authors to share their stories for anyone to read. They are organized into sections for children’s stories, science fiction, horror, and more. The stories are from amateur authors but they have ratings so you can quickly get an idea of the quality of the text. The difficulty varies a lot but most are fairly short, making them ideal for a quick reading session.

Children’s Stories & Fairy Tales

Cuentos Infantiles

Cuentos infantiles   Beginners

Reading childrens stories is one of the easiest ways to start learning a language. You learn the most popular stories of a culture and at the same time you start with the basics. Basic language, basic vocabulary and basic expressions. Choose from all the stories on the left side of the page and enjoy the literature from the point of view of a child. Perfect for beginners.

Cuentos Breves   Beginners

Cuentos breves is a compilation of children’s tales, but only short ones. On top of this they contain easy-to-understand language, writing style and vocabulary, so are ideal to read quickly and at any time. In the site you can find the stories classified by Funny, Animals, Witches, Cautionary, To think, Children, Fantasy or Fairies. There are a total of 301 published tales. Another ideal website for beginners.

El huevo de chocolate   Beginners

El huevo de chocolate (The chocolate egg) is a very complete website with many files and documents targeted to kids and families. Puzzles, riddles, jokes, songs, tales, history, fables and much more, even advice for parents. All the sections and texts are very easy to read and to understand, so, again, this becomes a great choice for beginners. More complete than the previous two.

Cuentos de Grimm   Beginners

Jacob and Whilhelm Grimm are some of the best-known storytellers of folk tales which legacy is still popular nowadays. Thanks to this website, you can enjoy the Spanish version of almost all their literature. It is very helpful to know the tales in advance, since you can guess many unknown words, but at the same time it is already easy to understand. There is a list with all the titles and the site offers the possibility to download all the publications as an eBook.

Cuentos de Andersen   Beginners

Andersen is popular all over the world. He wrote many kinds of texts, but is mainly remembered for his fairy tales. You can browse all his tales by name or popularity, and if you have time, you can check the same story on the English website, so that you can read them side by side - a great option for beginners. As they are tales mainly targeted to kids, they are easy to understand and once more, great for beginners.

Beginner Tip! Open the same story in another window in English to read side-by-side in English and Spanish, just like a parallel text.

Music Lyrics is the perfect website for finding lyrics of almost any song you can image. The lyrics are almost always linked to a YouTube video, so you can read the lyrics and hear them at the same time. This is an entertaining way to practice any language, especially Spanish, as you can find many expressions and daily vocabulary that cannot be found in articles or news. You can also access the singer or band’s biography and chat with other users.


Quedeletras is not only a lyrics website. You can also find biographies, discographies and top lists. You can find any musical style, from Christmas songs, pop, rock, latin, heavy metal or 80s. You can also go to a specific region (Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Canada or Guatemala, for example), and check out the latest news about new releases. Very easy-reading articles and you can compare English lyrics with their translations.


ATP Word Tour, Sitio Oficial

This is the official website of the ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals) World Tour. So for those interested in this sport and especially in this famous circuit, this is your website. You can read the players’ profiles, check the results and read about the latest news of the sector, the players and the tournament. It is also possible to subscribe to this website and receive weekly news updates via email.

ESPN: Deportes

ESPN Deportes is the Latin American version of the American ESPN Sports. Here you can find news about many sports: football, NFL basketball, baseball, boxing and much more. You can watch many live sports in their special live video section. They have special editions for Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela and many others. It is very complete and anybody interested in sports and in improving their Spanish reading should take a look.

Mundo Deportivo

Mundo Deportivo

Mundo Deportivo (Sports World) is a Spanish digital sports news site (and newspaper) mainly focused on football news, especially FC Barcelona. You can also find information about other football teams and follow the latest news about any league or match. There are sections for basketball, golf, motor sports, tennis, cycling, handball and others. It is a good choice for learners interested in sports, as the language and writing style is targeted to general public and not complicated. You can also check their video section.



¡Hola! is a very popular magazine specialized in celebrity news and gossips. The articles are mainly from Spanish celebrities – so it helps to be familiar with this world first - but you can find international celebrity news as well. You can read the Spanish online versions for Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Peru, Dominican Republic, Mexico or Venezuela, among others. Very easy-to-read articles and content. The main sections are latest news, royal families, fashion, beauty and lifestyle. They also offer a video section.

Jot Down

Jot Down

Jot Down is a publication that focuses attention on contemporary culture and arts. The articles are recommended for intermediate and advanced users, as sometimes you can find difficult vocabulary, expressions and writing style, maybe too “artistic” for beginners. The contents, are very amusing and you can learn a lot about many arts (architecture, philosophy, photography, literature, theatre…), as well as sports, science and special sections for music and cinema/TV. They also cover fashion, traveling, humor, gastronomy and games. They have many opinion blogs and interviews.

Algún Día en Alguna Parte

Algún Día en Alguna Parte (Someday somewhere) is a blog dedicated to art and literature. Here the reader can find information about books, poetry, authors (biographies), cinema or news, as well as many articles and fragments. Although the contents can be interesting to those that like literature, the website is recommended only for advanced learners, as it is very specific and it uses highbrow language. The podcasts are very useful, as well as their YouTube channel.

Periodismo del Motor

This is the perfect choice for those interested in motor sports, cars, and anything related to that world. The articles are not very long and the vocabulary is generally easy to understand – although you will find technical jargon in some car descriptions. The interface is easy to navigate and very visual, with many pictures. They have also a special category for videos and a link to the Spanish version of the German motor magazine, Autobild.

El Viajero: Guía de Viajes del El País

El Viajero is a special section of El País news site dedicated to traveling in general. It is very specific and it will catch your attention easily if you enjoy learning about other places, cultures, people and gastronomy of the world. The writing style is easy and the contents are really interesting. It is divided in Destinations, Globetrotters, Hotels, Restaurants, Wines, Urban travelers, 24 hours in…, Top and Lonely Planet. It is a good combination for those interested in traveling and practice Spanish at the same time.

National Geographic España

National Geographic España is the Spanish version of this well-known magazine dedicated to science, history, nature and geography. The content of the articles is very interesting and accurate, and perfect for intermediate and advanced learners. The magazine is highly renowned for its photography which has won many awards. You can check also their documentary video section, so you can hear and learn how to pronounce some of the words used in the articles.

GQ España

GQ España (GQ comes from Gentlemen’s Quarterly) shows you the latest trends in menswear, latest news, man style, poise, galleries of girls’ pictures and the last advances in technology, music, festivals or cinema. They have many interviews and articles that may be interesting for more masculine Spanish learners. Their video section is useful, and it is available in a different Spanish version for Mexico. The articles are not very long and they are easy to understand by intermediate learners.

Muy Historia

Muy Historia (Very History) is a publication by Muy Interesante that focuses on history from all over the world. It is divided by Contemporary History, Modern History, Middle Age, Ancient History and Prehistory. We recommend you check the “Questions and Answers” (Preguntas y respuestas) section, where the reader can find many curiosities and unknown facts to keep him/her reading. The writing style and vocabulary is similar to Muy Interesante, mainly targeted to general public but with some specific vocabulary depending on the topic.


No sabes nada (You know nothing) is an online website that appeals to human curiosity, bringing and showing many curious facts about almost any topic. The main sections are Society, Nature, Science, Culture, Technology, Entertainment, Investigation, Advances and Sports. The vocabulary and writing style is easier than other similar websites such as Muy Interesante.


Feel for Fit has different versions for English, Spanish and Portuguese public. It is a website dedicated to nutrition, fitness, sport and beauty. Here you can find dynamic articles with tips, advice, instructions, as well as tutorials and reports. This is a great option for those interested in these topics, a good way to practice Spanish and at the same time learn how to take care of your body. Mens sana in corpore sano (that’s Latin for “a sound mind in a sound body”).

Technology & Science

Muy Interesante

Muy Interesante

Muy Interesante (Very Interesting) is a popular science magazine with online site where you can find many fun and interesting facts about any branch of science, innovation, nature, technology, history, health and culture. It is scientific, but targeted to the general public. Spanish learners can find a great source of enjoyable and stimulating information to read and watch here.


Gizmodo is the Spanish version of the American blog dedicated to gadgets and new technologies. It is recommended for intermediate Spanish learners interested in these topics, since it can get into some technical jargon in some articles. It is not particularly easy to find an article, as there are no categories, so you just have to scroll down and try to find something interesting for you. Still, it was read daily by none other than Steve Jobs so it’s worth giving it a chance.

CNET en Español

CNET en Español is the Spanish version of the well-known American media site that publishes any kind of content about technology, including articles, blogs, reviews, price comparisons and news. You can easily choose between different interests, whether by kind of content (news, reviews, videos…) or by gadget (TV, radio, cameras, audio, motor…). Some reviews and analysis may use specific technological words, but the articles are really interesting. You can listen to their podcasts with iTunes.


Naukas is the largest online platform for Science in the Spanish language. It is very complete and with very high quality content, a fact that can make it difficult for beginners and mostly recommended for advanced users: scientific vocabulary and writing. They talk about almost any branch of Science: biology, astronomy, ecology, mathematics, engineering, medicine, paleontology or chemistry, among many others. The “skepticism” section casts doubt on previous studies and commonly held beliefs. The event section is focused on Basque Country, a particular region of Spain, and it is interesting to check their videos.


CHW is a website with the latest technological news, an ideal option for geeks interested in reading Spanish and at the same time learning about advances in consumer tech. As it is focused in technology, some words may be very specific and complicated for beginner, so an intermediate level of Spanish is required.

Sabías un dato

Sabías un dato (You knew a fact) is an online site of curiosities, science and research on many different topics. The website is very easy to navigate, as it is divided in six main sections: Curiosities, Did you know? (¿Sabías qué?), Why? (¿Por qué?), Technology, Health and Sexuality. Although some scientific or medical words can be complicated in some of the articles, they are generally easy to understand and short.


Materia is a Spanish scientific news site bringing scientific journalism directly to general public, reporting on topics like environment, health, technology and science.


In Hipertextual you will find articles classified in Technology, Science, Culture, Mobile, Software, Cinema/TV, Videogames, Future, Innovation, Photography, Apple and Startups. It has a friendly interface and many pictures. The content is recommended for advanced users, since they use very specific vocabulary. On the other hand the articles are very short. They also publish podcasts on iTunes.

Business & Finance

Inversion & Finanzas

Inversión & Finanzas

Inversión & Finanzas is a good choice for those interested in financial and economical latest news from around the world. It also informs about share prices of IBEX 35, Dow Jones EuroStoxx, DAX and many others. All the information focuses on financial situation and problems, stock market of different countries, analysis on individual finances and advice. It has an interesting supplement, XL Semanal, an online magazine with many other topics, not only financial.

CNN Expansión

CNN Expansión is a financial online site targeted to Mexico and all Latin America. It is one of the leader in the Mexican financial businesses. Besides the macroeconomics and politics, CNN Expansión talks specifically about businesses, economy and finances. It has also Technology and Life & Style sections, as well a useful video section.


Todo Startups is targeted at entrepreneurs and business people, especially those who are starting a new business. The language and writing style is easy to understand and not too technical. It has the latest news about finance, investments and marketing, as well as interviews and information about new technologies. It also offers tips and resources for the early stages of building a business. It can be very helpful to those who are thinking about starting a company in a Spanish-speaking country.

El Economista

El Economista is one of the most read and successful economic websites of all Spain. Here you can find information about business, economical and financial affairs. It is full of information about many stock markets, incomes, currencies, raw material, values and companies. This is targeted at people really interested in economics. The navigation is not that easy, as there are a huge amount of sections. It also has versions for Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

Cinco Días

Cinco Días is the reference economic website of Spain. You can find news divided by sections: markets, companies, economy, technology and My finances. The vocabulary is really specific and it makes the site a good choice for those interested in these matters.

Economía - El País

This is another special supplement of El País. Here you will find the latest news that influences macroeconomics and our personal finances. It is mainly focused on Spainish economic news, but also contains world news about technology, finance, stock markets, housing, employment, education and much more. The writing style is the same as the main site, easy to understand and with good quality content. The opinion and analysis section is perfect for the advanced learners.

Forums & Comedy



Taringa! is the most visited Argentinian social network, very popular in Spanish-speaking countries: Latin America and Spain. Users can share any kind of information and articles through messages and posts, and the rest of the users can answer under it. This is challenging for Spanish learners, as the writing is often not grammatically correct and the vocabulary can be slang, specific or dialectal. Also the contents sometimes are not accurate, precise or they may not even have text, just pictures. Despite this, it’s a very popular choice.

El Mundo Today

El Mundo Today is one of the funniest satirical and fake news sites in Spain. The content is really easy to read, and the webpage looks like a normal news site. The difference is that all the news is fake, but the vocabulary and writing style is just like the traditional news sites, such as El Mundo o El País. Many people are tricked into believing some of their articles are real, because they look authentic. A good choice for fans of satire.


Menéame is a place where users share and vote on links, very similar to Digg and Redit. It is based on community participation: the subscribers send stories and the rest of the users (registered or not) can vote and make them popular. You can discuss the posts with other readers in the comments. The links may be of all varieties of difficulty levels, but the participation – if wanted - is only for advanced users, since they use many slang, incorrect grammar, etc. The top voted items tend to be the most sensational or polemic.


Exvagos is a forum where you can find discussions about almost any topic you can imagine. The navigation is quite complicated, as you have to enter the category and then find a discussion you may be interested in. The language often uses slang, with no grammar, punctuation or coherence. We only recommend this only if your Spanish level is advanced and you feel confident to follow these kind of discussions.

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